PI: Dr. Daniel V. Peláez
Professor, Department of Agronomy, UNS
Principal Researcher, Commission of Scientific Research of Buenos Aires Province (CIC)
Agricultural Engineer, UNS
Mg. in Crop Production, UNS
Ph.D. in Agronomy, UNS
Lines of Research
- Controlled burning and roller-chopping in the SW of Buenos Aires province, Argentina.
- Controlled burning in the SE of La Pampa province, Argentina.
- Seed bank in the soil and seed rain in southern Caldenal rangelands, Argentina.
- Patches of functional woody plants for the restoration of plant diversity in the ecotone Caldenal-Pampa Austral, Argentina.
- Morphogenetic characteristics and defoliation of perennial grasses.
Recent Publications
- Ithurrart, L.S., Busso, C.A., Torres, Y.A., Peláez, D.V., Giorgetti, H., Rodriguez, G. y Ambrosino, M.S. (2018). Root traits and arbuscular mycorrhiza on perennial grasses exposed to defoliation after a controlled burning. Phyton: Journal of Experimental Botany 87: 51-59.
- Peláez, D.V., Giorgetti, H.D., Montenegro, O.A., Elia, O.R., Rodríguez, G.D., Blazquez, F.R. and Andrioli, R.J. (2017). Vegetation response to fire and roller-chopping in the southwestern of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phyton: Journal of Experimental Botany 86: 325-331.
- Peláez, D.V., Andrioli, R.J., Blazquez, F.R. and Elia, O.R. (2017). Herbaceous vegetation response to controlled fire and post-fire defoliation in a semi-arid rangeland of Argentina. Arid Land Research and Management 31(4): 446-461.
- Leder, C.V., Peter, G., Funk, F.A. and Peláez, D.V. (2017). Consequences of anthropogenic disturbances on soil seed bank diversity and nurse shrub effect in a semiarid rangeland. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 2327-2346.
- de Villalobos, A.E. and D.V. Peláez. (2015). The functional responses of woody Prosopis caldenia seedlings to drought and livestock grazing in semiarid rangelands of Argentina. Arid Land Research and Management 29(4): 487-502.
- González, S.L., L. Ghermandi and D.V. Peláez. (2015). Growth and reproductive post-fire responses of two shrubs in semiarid Patagonian grasslands. International Journal of Wildland Fire 24(6): 809-818.
- González, S.L., L. Ghermandi and D.V. Peláez. (2015). Fire temperature effects on perennial grasses from northwestern Patagonian grasslands. Ecological Research 30: 67-74.
- Tizón, F.R, J. Wulff and D.V. Peláez. (2014). The effects of increase the temperature on the foraging of Acromyrmex lobicormis (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Zoological Studies 53(40): 1-13.
- Blazquez, F.R., D.V. Peláez, R.J. Andrioli and O.R. Elia. (2014). Influence of woody species on aerial growth of perennial grasses in semi-arid rangelands of central Argentina. Phyton: Journal of Experimental Botany 83: 397-405.
- PGI-UNS 24/A217: Efectos del fuego controlado y rolado sobre la vegetación en pastizales naturales del SE de La Pampa y SO de Buenos Aires. PI: Dr. D.V. Peláez.
- CIC Institutional Grant 2157-1332: Estudios sobre arbustos en el sur del Caldenal y sus mecanismos de invasión. PI: Dr. D.V. Peláez.
- PICTO-FONCYT Bosques Nativos 2014-0008: Sistema agroforestal con especies nativas para la restauración de los suelos, la biodiversidad y los servicios ecosistémicos del Caldenal. Responsible Research Team: Dr. F.R. Tizón (INTA), Dr. A.E. de Villalobos (UNS), Dr. A. Loydi (UNS), Dr. D.V. Peláez.
National Collaborations
- Chacra Experimental Patagones, Ministerio de Agroindustria, Buenos Aires province, Argentina
- EEA Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria, Bordenave, Argentina
- EEA Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria, Hilario Ascasubi, Argentina
Group Members
Romina J. Andrioli
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Agronomy, UNS
Agricultural Engineer, UNS
Master in Agricultural Sciences, UNS
Francisco R. Blazquez
Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Agronomy, UNS
Agricultural Engineer, UNS
Ph.D. in Agronomy, UNS
Francisco R. Tizón
AE Bahía Blanca, EEA INTA Bordenave
Bachelor in Biological Sciences, UNS
Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, UNS
Sofía E. Vivas
Doctoral Fellow, CIC
Agricultural Engineer, UNS
Juan F. Sierra
Doctoral Fellow, CIC
Bachelor in Biological Sciences, UNS