Directora: Dr María Celina Zabaloy
Independent Researcher, CONICET
Adjunct Professor, Agricultural Microbiology,
Department of Agronomy, UNS
Ph.D. in Biology, UNS
Group Expertise / Research Lines
The group led by Dr. Zabaloy has extensive experience in studying soil microbiomes in agricultural systems under various management practices. Our team has employed advanced analytical methodologies to assess biological activity, structure, diversity, and abundance of microbial communities. These studies span a wide range of experimental conditions, including in vitro incubations, greenhouse plant studies, and field trials. Our research has focused on evaluating the impact of fertilization regimes, organic amendments, and soil uses and management on both edaphic and rhizosphere microbiomes.
Additionally, the group has expertise in the biomethanization of organic materials, including their characterization, post-application mineralization, and assessment of their fertilizing potential. These investigations integrate soil chemistry and physics, soil biology, and crop development to provide a comprehensive approach to sustainable agroecosystem management.
The group is committed to contributing to sustainable development research within the framework of "One Health." This paradigm acknowledges the interdependence between human, animal, plant, and environmental health, promoting multidisciplinary solutions to address global challenges such as antimicrobial resistance, climate change, and food security.
Recent Publications
Access the SIGEVA CONICET profile of Dr. María Celina Zabaloy
Ongoing Projects
PGI UNS 24/A276
"Contributions of Microbial Ecology to Sustainable Production from a 'One Health' Perspective."
Director: M.C. Zabaloy; Co-Director: G.A. Iocoli.
Execution Period: 2024–2026. -
PICT 2020-02289
"Evaluation of the Biological and Environmental Safety of Using Biofertilizer Based on Anaerobic Digestion Residues and Biochar in the Soil-Plant-Microbiome System."
Principal Investigator: M.C. Zabaloy.
Execution Period: 2022–2025.Summary:
The region generates large volumes of livestock and agro-industrial waste that, after biogas production, result in anaerobic digestion residues (ADR). Using ADR as fertilizer raises risks due to the potential presence of pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). This project combines ADR with biochar to develop a fertilizer that positively impacts soil health while minimizing microbiological risks. We evaluate its effects on crops such as maize, ryegrass, and lettuce by analyzing plant development, the microbiome, and ARG dispersal to offer safe, sustainable solutions for agricultural fertilization. -
PIP 2021
"Soil and Rhizosphere Microbiome Studies Under Cover Crops and Their Relationship with the Control of Rhizoctonia solani, the Causal Agent of Root Rot in Cereals."
Principal Investigator: M.C. Zabaloy.
Execution Period: 2023–2025.Summary:
No-tillage and monocropping practices have increased diseases such as root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani, particularly in the southwest of Buenos Aires, affecting wheat and barley crops. This project evaluates the use of cover crops (CC), such as sorghum, in rotations to disrupt the pathogen's cycle and enhance soil biodiversity, fostering beneficial microorganisms that act as biocontrol agents.
National and International Collaborations
- Dr. Jessica Basualdo (Teaching Assistant, Department of Agronomy, UNS)
- Dr. Marco Allegrini (Assistant Researcher, IICAR, UNR-CONICET)
- Dr. María Bonita Villamil (Full Professor, Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois)
- Dr. Carolina V. Temperini (Assistant Researcher, UNRN)
- Phytopathology Group (Department of Agronomy, UNS)
Group Members:
Gastón Alejandro Iocoli
Adjunct Professor, Department of Agronomy, UNS
Agricultural Engineer and Ph.D. in Agronomy
Marianela E. Morales
Agricultural Engineer
Doctoral Fellow, CONICET
Department of Agronomy, UNS
Camila Fabiani
Ph.D. in Biology
Doctoral Fellow, CONICET
María Victoria Valero
Degree in Biological Scs.
Doctoral Fellow, CONICET
Ana María Zamponi
Principal Technician, CONICET
Department of Agronomy, UNS