Director: Dr Viviana Echenique
Senior Researcher ad honorem, CONICET
Professor, Dept. of Agronomy, UNS
Our group is dedicated to elucidate the molecular and genetic bases of diplosporous apomixis using Eragrostis curvula as plant model. Apomixis is an asexual reproductive mode, by seeds, that generates progenies genetically identical to the mother plant.
During the last 15 years, our group has been working towards the identification of those genes and genomic regions that are involved in apomixis in Eragrostis curvula by different strategies, namely transcriptomics, cytoembryology, molecular analysis, high density mapping (GBS-SNPs), and genome sequencing.
The knowledge concerning the factors that determine apomixis will have a great impact on agriculture, yielding benefits comparable to those that occurred during the Green Revolution.
Lines of Research
- High density mapping and localization of genomic regions.
- Genome sequencing and assembly.
- Functional Genomics.
- Epigenetics: sRNA analysis and RNA-directed DNA methylation.
Recent Publications
See SIGEVA CONICET Dra. Viviana Echenique
See SIGEVA CONICET Dra. Ingrid Garbus
See SIGEVA CONICET Dr. Diego Zapaccosta
See SIGEVA CONICET Dr. Juan Pablo Selva
- INASE Register of Cultivars. Pasto llorón (Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees). Material: UNST1122 (Victoria). Institution: UNS-ACA. Authors: Echenique V, Polci P, Cardone S, Selva JP. RC9192, 2006-2026.
- INASE Register of Cultivars. Pasto llorón (Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees). Material: UNST1131 (Bahiense). Institution: UNS-ACA. Authors: Echenique V, Polci P, Cardone S, Selva JP. RC9193, 2006-2026.
- INASE Register of Cultivars. Pasto llorón (Eragrostis curvula (Schrad.) Nees). Material: UNST9446 (cv. Don Luis). Institution: UNS-ACA. Authors: Polci P, Echenique V, Cardone S, Selva JP, Zappacosta D. RC9191, 2006-2026.
National and International Collaborations
- Dr. Mario Cáccamo NIAB Cambridge, UK
- Dr. Emidio Albertini UNPG, Perugia, Italy
- Dr. Lucia Colombo UNIMIL, Milano, Italy
- Dr. Gabriella Consonni, UNIMIL, Milano, Italy
- Dr. Marta Mendes, UNIMIL, Milano, Italy
- Dr. Olivier Leblanc, IRD, Montpellier, France
- Dr. Silvina Pessino, IICAR and UNR, Rosario
- Dr. Juan Pablo Ortiz, IICAR and UNR, Rosario
- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019. ID: 872417. Mechanisms of Apomictic Developments (MAD). Proyecto de Cooperación Internacional Financiado por la UE. IR: Olivier Leblanc, IRD Montpellier Francia. Nodos Participantes: Italia (UNIPG, UNIMIL, UNIPAD, CNR), México (CINVESTAV), Reino Unido (NIAB), Australia (University of Adelaide), Suiza (Universitat Monto total proyecto: 952.200 euros. Nodo CERZOS: IR Viviana Echenique
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014. ID 645674. Plant Reproduction for Crop Improvement (PROCROP). Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014, EU-funded International Cooperation Project. PI: Emidio Albertini, UNIPG, Perugia, Italy. Participating nodes: Italy (UNIPG, UNIMIL, Polo GGB), France (IRD), Argentina (UNR/ICAR, CERZOS). CERZOS Node: PI Viviana Echenique.
PICT Raíces 2014-1243. Secuenciación del genoma de Eragrostis curvula a fin de identificar genes relacionados con el modo reproductivo y calidad del forraje. PI: Dr. Viviana Echenique (CERZOS, Argentina) and Dr. Mario Cáccamo (TGAC, UK).
PIP CONICET 2015 11220150100963. Evaluación del rol de los pequeños RNAs en la regulación de la apomixis diplospórica en Eragrostis curvula. CO. PI: Dr. Ingrid Garbus (Echenique V, Zappacosta D, Selva JP).
- PICT Raíces 2017-0879. Genómica estructural para acceder a la región condicionante de la apomixis en Eragrostis curvula. PI: Dr. Viviana Echenique (CERZOS) and Dr. Mario Cáccamo (NIAB, UK).
PhD thesis approved in the last years
Lic. Mauro Meier. Doctor in Biology. Thesis topic: Localización genómica de regiones asociadas a la displosporia a través del mapeo genético de alta densidad y determinación de la herencia del carácter en Eragrostis curvula. Universidad nacional del Sur, Septiembre 2019.
Agr. Eng. Claudia Terenti Romero. Doctor in Agronomy. Thesis topic: Obtención y evaluación de nuevos materiales de pasto llorón (Eragrostis curvula, Schrad Ness) y desarrollo de protocolos biotecnológicos para su utilización en programas de mejoramiento de la especie. Universidad Nacional del Sur, Diciembre 2015.
Group Members:
Dr. Ingrid Garbus
Independent Researcher, CONICET
Adjunct Professor,
Departament of Health Sciences, UNS
Dr. Juan Pablo Selva
Adjunct Researcher, CONICET
Teaching Assistant,
Dept. of Biology, Biochemistry and Pharmacy, UNS
Dr. Diego Zappacosta
Adjunct Researcher, CONICET
Associate Professor,
Department of Agronomy, UNS
Dr. Alejandra Díaz
Principal Professional, CONICET
Teaching Assistant, UNS
Dr. Cristian Gallo
Principal Professional, CONICET
Teaching Assistant, UNS
Dr. Andrés Bellido
Dr. José Carballo
Posdoctoral Fellow, CONICET
Lic. Cielo Pasten
Doctoral Fellow, CONICET
Agricultural Eng. Jimena Gallardo
Doctoral Fellow, CONICET
Teaching Assistant, UNS
Lic. Martín Quevedo
Doctoral Fellow, ANPCyT